The information in your credit report is paramount for a number of reasons. Your credit report is what potential lenders, from credit card companies to mortgage loan officers to banks, see when you apply for a loan. It also may be looked at by insurance agents trying to assess your credit situation, by landlords who need to determine whether or not to rent to you, and even by potential employers. That's why it's important to request and review your latest triple-bureau credit report throughout the year. But once you have that credit report in your hands, how do you know what it all means?
Your credit report contains an array of personal data about your financial life and your credit. It can include income information, address history and your credit history. You also will find credit information such as the number of credit cards you own and how much available credit you have, any mortgages or other loans, any lines of credit, and your payment history. There can be positive items on your credit report, such as a history of on time payments, and there can be negative items, such as defaults on loans, excessive amounts of debt, late payments or bankruptcy filings. It may also contain items such as your job history, income and home address.
It's important to note that you have more than one credit report. There are three national credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Each one compiles their own credit information on you based on the data reported to them, so each credit report could have different information on you. PrivacyGuard's triple-bureau credit report compiles the credit information from all three credit reporting agencies, helping you keep up to date with all of your credit files. See details.
Once you have your credit report, you need to be able to understand all the credit information it contains, and what that information says about you. That's where PrivacyGuard's Credit Information Hotline comes in.
The Credit Information Hotline is a toll free service for PrivacyGuard customers that can help you understand all the details of your credit report. Staffed by professional representatives trained in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Credit Information Hotline can lead you line by line through all the details of your credit information and help make sure you understand everything in your report and the impact this data may have. In addition, should you find any inaccuracies in your credit report, PrivacyGuard can help you dispute them and keep your report accurate. Even if you have a deeper understanding of your credit report, the Credit Information Hotline is always there to help you in figuring out any new details that may appear and provide advice on resolving any credit disputes you may have. Also, as specialists in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, your credit information representative can help you explain ways that it can best serve you.
Best of all, you can receive unlimited access to the Credit Information Hotline — as well as enjoy all of PrivacyGuard's other benefits — just for giving PrivacyGuard a try. Sign up today, and learn what your credit says about you.