While there may be no sure fire way to remain completely safe from credit fraud, one way to help minimize the potential threat is to limit the number of credit cards you carry on you. Take only the cards you need with you, and leave the rest at home in a safe and secure location. That way, if your wallet becomes lost or stolen, not all of your cards will be at risk. In addition, you should always be aware of who you are handing your credit cards to and what they are doing with them. This includes handing over your cards to a restaurant server or store clerk.
You also should be careful when conducting credit card transactions online. Be sure that you only deal with reputable companies and conduct credit card transactions through businesses that use secure servers. Additionally, you should be sure that your computer is free of viruses and other malware that could deliver your credit card information directly into the hands of thieves.
PrivacyGuard provides an array of protections against credit fraud. You can use the credit card registry to store the information from all of your credit cards in one secure location. Should your registered cards become lost or stolen, just call PrivacyGuard for help with cancelling and replacing them. See details. In addition, PrivacyGuard monitoring the internet underground where stolen credit card numbers are traded and sold. If PrivacyGuard discovers your credit card numbers on these underground marketplaces, you are alerted and given the support you need to help re-secure your information. See details.
PrivacyGuard also provides daily credit monitoring, which alerts you of certain changes to your credit report. If someone queries one of your credit files or opens a new account in your name, PrivacyGuard will let you know You also can get your triple bureau credit reports every three months through PrivacyGuard, so you can spot all the new details in your credit reports and find and correct any inaccuracies. See details.
PrivacyGuard also helps to protect you online with Norton Internet Security Online, a leading PC security suite that helps to protect you from viruses and other malware that could be used to infiltrate your system and steal your personal information. See details. And, should you find yourself the victim of identity or credit fraud, PrivacyGuard covers you with up to $1,000,000 in identity theft insurance.*
You can try all of PrivacyGuard's credit fraud protections, as well as all of the other protections PrivacyGuard offers, right now. Sign up today, and get the tools you need to help avoid potential credit fraud.
*Your VantageScore credit score(s) are provided by VantageScore Solutions LLC. The VantageScore model, with scores ranging from 300 to 850, was developed jointly by the three major national credit reporting agencies - Experian®, TransUnion®, and Equifax®. The version of VantageScore provided here is used by some, but not all, lenders. Your score(s) may not be identical or similar to scores received directly from those agencies, from other sources, or from your lender.
*Your liability for unauthorized use of your credit, debit, and ATM cards is limited under federal law. In addition, your card issuer's liability policy may provide for lesser liability amounts that under federal law. Consult your card issuer's terms and conditions for specific details. The policy of many card issuers is not to hold cardholders liable.
Please click here for complete details.
The federal Fair Credit Billing Act gives you the right to dispute billing errors, such as unauthorized charges, on your credit card by notifying your credit card company in writing within 60 days after the first bill containing the error was sent to you. The credit card company must resolve the dispute within two billing cycles (not to exceed 90 days) after receiving your notification. You may withhold payment on the disputed amount (and related charges) during the investigation. You must pay the amount not in dispute. You will be informed in writing whether your bill is correct or contains an error. If your bill contains an error, it will be corrected.