Most consumers use only the basic measures to protect their identity. Unfortunately, those efforts may not be enough. Once an identity thief gets a hold of your credit card information for example, they can open another card for their use, even changing the billing address so that you might not know for months that they're racking up charges. Even more alarming, a thief who gains access to your bank account or your social security number can open brand-new accounts, get a driver's license in your name or even pose as you if arrested.
PrivacyGuard helps to reduce your risk of identity theft and vigilantly monitors potential compromises. Daily scans of your credit files at Experian, Equifax and TransUnion search for certain changes to your credit information, and if discovered, PrivacyGuard sends you an immediate email or text alert. Monitoring will alert you to changes such as newly-opened accounts, payment defaults and even change of home address.
Identity Verification Monitoring
Imagine an identity thief being able to create new credit accounts and lines of credit in your name without you even knowing. The damage this could do to your credit profile and identity is extensive. With PrivacyGuard , you can proactively guard against this nightmare scenario with Identity Verification Monitoring.
Identity Verification Monitoring works to prevent your personal information from being used for fraudulent activities that may result in identity theft, account takeovers, or account compromises. This feature works in real-time - across hundreds of businesses - constantly scanning for instances where your name and personal information is being used to verify your identity prior to submitting a new application, requesting a password reset, or applying for credit, and other certain activities that could damage your credit and identity.*
You'll be alerted immediately in any instance Identity Verification Monitoring detects your name and information is being used to confirm your identity or to open a new account within our network. From there, expert support will be provided to assess the threat level and determine next steps in addressing the issue at hand.
*The information network is comprised of many U.S. credit issuers, including credit card issuers, retailers, and telecom companies. However, PrivacyGuard 's information network does not include all companies that require verification of your identity prior to providing you with a service or credit. As a result, it is possible that fraudulent attempts to verify your identity could be submitted using your personal information that are not detected by PrivacyGuard .
In the unlikely event your identity becomes compromised, you can count on the support and guidance of the PrivacyGuard fraud recovery experts. You will be assigned a dedicated caseworker from our experienced team of professionals who will assist you every step of the way, from helping you contact creditors and filing paperwork to streamlining the credit dispute process.
Important Information:
Begin your membership in PrivacyGuard FREE for 14 days and
check your scores FREE.
If you don't cancel within the 14-day trial period, you will be billed $19.99 per month until you cancel your membership.
Does checking my credit scores through PrivacyGuard affect my credit rating?
No, not at all. You're entitled to check your own credit scores as often as you like without any risk of lowering your credit rating. PrivacyGuard gives you access to your scores based on your data from each of the 3 major bureaus.
Won't all 3 credit scores be the same, or close?
Not necessarily. That's why checking all 3 of your scores is so important to managing your credit effectively.
What is a good credit score?
Credit scores range from 350 to 850, and your score could differ from bureau to bureau, as creditors do not always report to all three. Typically, a good score is 750 or higher.